Our Offerings

We help you to reach the innovation sweet spot

Our Services

On site & Video call

Mentoring & Consulting


Creation by 2*Spark



Elena Brioschi

What we do

Our expertise is coming from a combination of experience in various domains and a continuous learning in order to create a synergy between all human and business strategic axes.

Because your challenges are unique, our services will be customized to your immediate creative needs and ultimately transform your team and company to become more innovative.

Product & ux innovation  ____________

We design global solutions  _________________

By mastering Product, Branding and User Interface (UI) design, we can design global solutions, while empowering and engaging your workforce.

business model innovation

Discover opportunities to improve your sustainability

We listen your customers, end users and partners to identify new business opportunities that fit your strategic direction.

Innovation culture ___________

Empower people to scale innovation in your company

We spark culture for continuous innovation. The key enablers of innovation are leadership, people, processes, contexts and knowledge.

Social innovation ______________

Commitment to improve unsatisfying social situation

We help people to develop and improve their new ideas for the good of society as a whole.

How can we help you

Service description


We will unpack your challenge to define a future strategy to tackle your innovation problems.

We will lead you how to spark innovation into your project, team, and company.
Innovation is demanding and questions may arise.

  • How to discover new opportunities?
  • How to persevere in the process of creation when you are stuck?
  • How to develop synergies?...
You want to kick-start a key initiative but...

... your internal resources or skills are insufficient to get your innovative solutions done.

...your people need to improve their innovative skills

...you want to implement an innovative and learning culture.

We work with your people on assignments which range from one day to one year, we can support your organisation in successfully completing its customer, marketing and innovation efforts. 


Call us or use the chat box

...with you & end-users

Your teams and individuals are rich in Knowledge, just waiting to be empowered.
We really believe in Co-creation & cross-functional team:

  • Foster to think outside the box
  • Decrease Risk of misalignment or unwanted product
  • Increase Motivation & Buy-in
  • Improve the learning path

Because your teams need fresh Air, inspirational input or something unexpected.

Any questions? Simply use the chat box

Innovation culture takes time to implement.
In the meantime, we are here for you with a just-on time service.

Let's Speak


We will unpack your challenge to define a future strategy to tackle your innovation problems.

Mentoring & Consulting

We will lead you how to spark innovation into your project, team, and company.
Innovation is demanding and questions may arise.

  • How to discover new opportunities?
  • How to persevere in the process of creation when you are stuck?
  • How to develop synergies?...
You want to kick-start a key initiative but...

... your internal resources or skills are insufficient to get your innovative solutions done.

...your people need to improve their innovative skills

...you want to implement an innovative and learning culture.

We work with your people on assignments which range from one day to one year, we can support your organisation in successfully completing its customer, marketing and innovation efforts. 


Call us or use the chat box


...with you & end-users

Your teams and individuals are rich in Knowledge, just waiting to be empowered.
We really believe in Co-creation & cross-functional team:

  • Foster to think outside the box
  • Decrease Risk of misalignment or unwanted product
  • Increase Motivation & Buy-in
  • Improve the learning path
Creation by 2*Spark

Because your teams need fresh Air, inspirational input or something unexpected.

Any questions? Simply use the chat box


Innovation culture takes time to implement.
In the meantime, we are here for you with a just-on time service.

How to contact us

No Project Is Too Big Or Too Small

Simply book an online meeting, chat or write an email!

Book an online meeting

click and select “Let’s speak” which is free of charge.


At the bottom right of the window

Great Innovation happens, when we make it together

To understand and assess changes

How changes will impact you and to what extent.

To be a step ahead

By being proactive, you can differentiate your solutions both radically and faster.

To discover Opportunities

Not only will it open new markets but also it will empower your team (to project in the future,  commitment, co-creation,  gain in confidence,...)


Together, you are stronger

Nowadays, partnership (privat & public), project build with cross-functional team, and co-creation with top and down people are the winning solutions.